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Start by choosing from our huge selection of printable products by clicking the Products tab. Don’t worry you can always add or change your product selection later. When you click on a product you can see an instant price quote on the Product Information page.
We have 3 decoration options to choose from
Upload your artwork by simply dragging and dropping your design file into the orange dotted-line design box or by clicking the "Add Design" button in the online designer. See our Artwork Guidlines page for more information on uploading files. You can create a new design by adding text and and other design elements in the online designer. Make sure to save your design by clicking on the floppy disk icon on the bottom right of the designer, or if you are logged into your account simply click the "Buy" button and your design will be saved automatically when it is added to the shopping cart.
Click on the "Products" tab at any tiem to change the product. You can also copy your design onto addtional products. Please see our How to copy and use your design with different products, colors, or stlyes page for detailed instructions.
Once you're sure everything looks correct simply complete your purchase through our secure payment system and we'll get to work processing your order. We will send you a confirmation with a timeline for when you can expect your order to arrive at your doorstep. You can learn more by visiting our Delivery Schedule page and by clicking What happens after I place my order.
You can rest easy knowing your order is covered by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!